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SECTION 5. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, with the approval of the
Department of Budget and Management, any appropriation for construction provided
in this Act may be used to purchase capital equipment if the amount of the
appropriation exceeds the amount required for construction expenses, including
allowances for contingencies.
SECTION 6. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, except as otherwise
provided in this Act, before a State agency or institution named in this Act as
responsible for an individual item may begin work with funds appropriated by this
Act, the agency or institution shall provide satisfactory evidence to the Board of
Public Works that the work described in the individual item can be completed with
the funds specified for that item.
SECTION 7. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, with the approval of the
Department of Budget and Management, any appropriation under the provisions of
this Act that is in excess of the amount needed for a project may be credited to the
Construction Contingency Fund under Section 3-609 of the State Finance and
Procurement Article.
SECTION 8. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, if federal funds are
available to help accomplish any project identified in this Act, the State agency or
institution responsible for the project shall make efforts through proper
administrative procedures to obtain these federal funds. Before spending any funds
appropriated by this Act, the agency or institution shall certify its efforts to the Board
of Public Works and state the reason for any failure to obtain federal funds. If federal
funds are obtained, they shall be used to defray the costs of the project described in
this Act and not to expand its scope.
(a) for any appropriation for the planning of a State-owned project provided in
this Act, if a program required by Section 3-602(d) of the State Finance and
Procurement Article has not been submitted, the State agency or institution
responsible for the project shall submit a program to the Department of Budget and
Management for approval before funds may be expended from the appropriation; and
(b) for any appropriation for the construction of a State-owned project
provided in this Act, if preliminary plans and outline specifications required by
Section 3-602(f)(2)(i) of the State Finance and Procurement Article have not been
prepared, the State agency or institution responsible for the project shall submit
preliminary plans and outline specifications to the Department of Budget and
Management for approval before funds may be expended from the appropriation.
SECTION 10. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That no portion of the
proceeds of a loan or any of the matching funds provided for a project funded under
this Act may be used for the furtherance of sectarian religious instruction, or in
connection with the design, acquisition, construction, or equipping of any building
used or to be used as a place of sectarian religious worship or instruction, or in
connection with any program or department of divinity for any religious
denomination. Upon the request of the Board of Public Works, a recipient of the
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