PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 290
Morgan State University - Banneker Hall Renovation
Morgan State University - Campuswide Site Improvements
Old Blair High School Auditorium Renovation
Park Heights Community Men's Health Center
Parole Plaza Improvements
Phelps Center
Public Safety Communications System
Public Safety Training Center
Rockville Science, Cultural and Business Resource Center
St. Mary's College - Somerset Hall
University of Baltimore - 1300 N. Charles Street
University of Maryland, Baltimore - Howard Hall
University of Maryland, Baltimore County - New Public Policy Institute
University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute - Center for Advanced Research
in Biotechnology - Second Building
Walters Art Gallery
YMCA of Central Maryland.
It is the intent of the General Assembly to provide $15,000,000 in
funding in fiscal 2004 for the Community Based Regional
Initiatives (CBRIs) that were requested in fiscal 2003, provided
that sufficient funds are available in the capital budget next
year. These funds are to be in addition to the funds for legislative
initiatives in fiscal 2004, which indicates that the CBRIs
initially funded by the House of Delegates in fiscal 2003 will be
given special consideration.
appropriations contained in Section—1(3) of this Act are contingent upon the
cancellation of appropriations for the same amounts and purposes contained in the
fiscal year 1999 operating budget (Chapter 109 of tho 1998 Laws of Maryland), the
fiscal year 2000 operating budget (Chapter 118 of the 1999 Laws of Maryland), the
fiscal year 2001 operating budget (Chapter 204 of the 2000 Laws of Maryland) and,
the fiscal year 2002 operating budget (Chapter 102 of the 2001 Laws of Maryland) by
the Board of Public Works:
Fiscal Year 1999 Projects:
(1) —Public School Construction Program..................................... 784,000
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