PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 290
(Baltimore City)..............................................................................
(U) The Maryland Science Center. Provide a grant to the Board of
Directors of the Maryland Academy of Sciences to assist in the
construction and capital equipping of the expansion and
renovation of the Maryland Science Center, subject to the
requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching
fund for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provision of Section
1(5) of this Act, the matching funds may include real property,
in-kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the effective
date of this Act (Baltimore City)...................................................
(V) Montgomery County Family Services. Provide a grant to the
Board of Directors of Family Services Agency, Inc. to assist in
the acquisition, renovation, and capital equipping of a family
services center (Montgomery County)...........................................
(W) National Aquarium in Baltimore. Provide a grant to the Board
of Directors of the National Aquarium in Baltimore to assist in
the design and construction of improvements to the National
Aquarium in Baltimore, subject to the requirement that the
grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this purpose.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1(5) of this Act, the
matching fund may include funds expended prior to the
effective date of this Act (Baltimore City)....................................
(X) National Research and Training Institute for the Blind. Provide
a grant to the Board of Trustees of the National Federation of
the Blind to assist in the construction of an addition to the
existing headquarters of the National Federation of the Blind to
serve as the National Research and Training Institute for the
Blind, subject to the requirement that the grantee provide an
equal and matching fund for this purpose. Notwithstanding the
provisions of Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may
include funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act
(Baltimore City)..............................................................................
(Y) National Capital Trolley Museum. Provide a grant to the Board
of Trustees of the National Capital Trolley Museum to assist in
the construction of a new carbarn/display facility and
connecting track (Montgomery County)........................................
(Z) North Point Indoor Soccer Facility. Provide a grant to the
County Executive and County Council of Baltimore County to
assist in the acquisition of property in the North Point area and
design, renovate, and construct improvements for use as an
indoor soccer facility (Baltimore County)......................................
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