Ch. 290
(AA) Olney Boys and Girls Club. Provide a grant to the Board of
Directors of the Olney Boys and Girls Club, Inc. to assist in the
acquisition, design, construction, renovation, and capital
equipping of a community park (Montgomery County)...............
(BB) Olney Theatre. Provide a grant to the County Executive and
County Council of Montgomery County to assist in the
acquisition, design, construction, renovation, and capital
equipping of the Olney Theatre (Montgomery County)...............
(CC) Outward Bound - Leakin Park Campus. Provide a grant to the
Board of Directors of the Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward
Bound Program to assist in the design, construction, and capital
equipping of buildings on the Leakin Park Campus (Baltimore
(DD) Park Heights Community Men's Health Center. Provide a grant
to the Board of Directors of the Park Heights Community
Health Alliance, Inc. to assist in the acquisition, design, and
construction of a Men's Health Center (Baltimore City).............
(EE) Park Heights Golf Range and Family Sports Complex. Provide a
grant to the Board of Directors of the Park Heights Golf Range
and Family Sports Park, Inc. to assist in the acquisition, design,
and construction of the Park Heights Golf Range and Family
Sports Complex (Baltimore City)...................................................
(FF) Parole Plaza Improvements. Provide a grant to the County
Executive and County Council of Anne Arundel County to assist
in the design and construction of public improvements to
enhance Parole Plaza as an Intermodal Transit Center (Anne
Arundel County)..............................................................................
(GG) Phelps Center. Provide a grant to the County Executive and
County Council of Prince George's County to assist in the design
and renovation of the Phelps Center (Prince George's County)..
(HH) Quiet Waters Amphitheater. Provide a grant to the County
Executive and County Council of Anne Arundel County to assist
in the planning, design, construction, and capital equipping of a
new amphitheater at Quiet Waters Park in the City of
Annapolis (Anne Arundel County )...............................................
(II) Rockville Science, Cultural and Business Resource Center.
Provide a grant to the County Executive and County Council of
Montgomery County for the design, construction, renovation,
and capital equipping of the new Rockville branch library for a
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