Ch. 288
(1) the impact of the school finance system established in this Act on
school systems with declining or growing enrollments;
(2) the costs and benefits of alternative ways of addressing problems
that relate to declining or growing enrollments; and
(3) the costs and benefits of changing the dates on which enrollment
counts are taken for different segments of the student population in order to make
this date consistent for all enrollment counts.
(c) The committee shall make recommendations regarding ways in which the
school finance system should be modified in order to address problems relating to:
(1) school systems with declining or growing enrollments; and
(2) the dates on which the State should take enrollment counts for
different segments of the student population.
(d) The committee shall submit a final report of its findings and
recommendations, including an analysis of the fiscal impact of its recommendations,
to the Governor and, subject to § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, the General
Assembly on or before December 30, 2003.
SECTION 7. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, within the next 10 years,
and no later than June 30, 2012, the Maryland State Department of Education, in
consultation with the Department of Budget and Management and the Department of
Legislative Services, shall contract with a public or private entity to conduct a study
of the adequacy of education funding in the State. At a minimum, the adequacy study
shall: (1) identify a base funding level for students without special needs; (2) per pupil
weights for students with special needs to be applied to the base funding level; and (3)
an analysis of the effect of concentrations of poverty on adequacy targets. The
Governor shall include sufficient funds in the State budget for the appropriate fiscal
years for the Maryland State Department of Education to cover the costs of
conducting the adequacy study.
SECTION 8. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, since the school finance
system reflected in this Act is based on the assumption that the following programs,
which received funding in the fiscal 2002 2003 State budget under the budget codes
listed below, will continue in future years, it is the intent of the General Assembly
that funding for these programs be included in future State budgets:
(1) Gifted and Talented Summer Center - RA.02.09;
(2) Destination ImagiNation - RA.02.09;
(3) Disruptive Youth (Annapolis Roads Middle School) - RA.02.11;
(4) Center for Educational Progress - RA.02.13;
(5) Food Services - RA.02.27;
(6) Science and Mathematics Initiative - RA.02.52;
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