Ch. 288
(7) Maryland Technology Academy - RA.02.53;
(8) Education Modernization Initiative - RA.02.53;
(9) Challenge Grants - RA.02.54;
(10) Reconstitution - RA.02.54;
(11) School Performance Recognition - RA.02.54;
(12) Staff Development Centers - RA.02.55; and
(13) Judith P. Hoyer Early Child Care and Education Enhancement -
SECTION 9. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, since the school finance
system reflected in this Act is based on the assumption that the following
discretionary programs, which received funding in the fiscal 3002 2003 State budget
under the budget codes listed below, will be consolidated into either the foundation
program established by this Act or one of the three programs for special needs
students established by this Act, it is the intent of the General Assembly that no
funding for these programs be included in future State budgets:
(1) Environmental Education - RA.02.10;
(2) Maryland Student Service Alliance - RA.02.13;
(3) Pre-K through Third Grade Initiative - RA.02.13;
(4) Allegany County Resource Deficiencies - RA.02.13;
(5) High School Assessment Fees - RA.02.55;
(6) Foster Care Assessment - RA.02.07;
(7) Rural Schools Performance - RA.02.13;
(8) Rural Schools Nurses - RA.02.13;
(9) Potomac High School - RA.02.13;
(10) Pilot Summer Program - RA.02.54; and
(11) Baltimore City Teacher Certification - RA.02.55.
SECTION 10. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act constitutes
further action of the General Assembly regarding consideration of the provisions of §
3-108.1 of the Education Article for the purpose of meeting the requirements of
Section 28 of Chapter 105 of the Acts of 1997.
(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, in addition to any other State aid to
local public education, the State shall provide unrestricted grants for public education
for fiscal year 2003 to the county boards of education and the New Baltimore City
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