Maryland: 1) Deed dated November 4, 1986 from Ida Bradford Phillips and Iris
Bradford Shockley to James W. Shockley and Iris Bradford Shockley, recorded among
the land records of Wicomico County, Maryland in Liber A.J.S. No. 1093, folio 114; 2)
Deed dated November 15, 1982 from Ronald G Hawkins and Hazel V. Hawkins to
James W. Shockley and Iris Bradford Shockley, and recorded in Liber A.J.S. No. 981,
folio 125; said property to be re-zoned from R-20 Residential to A-1
[Effective Date August 28, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-8
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Zoning," by
the amendment of the definition of "school, nursery" in Section 225-3, titled
"Definitions and word usage," to permit the inclusion of educational programs for
students at the kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade levels when certified by the
Maryland State Board of Education.
[Effective Date August 28, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-9
AN ACT to amend Chapter 174 of the Wicomico County Code, entitled
"Nuisances," Section 174-5, titled "Abandoned vehicles," paragraph A, Definitions, to
amend the definition of "Enclosed", deleting the provisions permitting the covering of
an abandoned vehicle as compliance with the Code.
[Effective Date August 28, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-10
AN ACT to amend Chapter 104 of the Wicomico County Code, titled
"Agricultural Land Preservation" to encourage the preservation of open space and
agricultural land through the creation of a local Agricultural Land Preservation
Program, establishing criteria for participation, application procedures and
incentives and benefits for establishment of districts and granting of easements.
[Effective Date November 6, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-11
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Zoning,"
amending the map entitled "Wicomico County Zoning Map" referred to in Section 76
of said Chapter, to re-zone property consisting of 1.723 acres, more or less, situated in
the Salisbury Election District, Wicomico County, Maryland, on the northerly and
southerly sides of Cannon Drive, The properties are shown and designated as Lot
Nos. 7 through 18, Block "J" and Lot Nos. 13 through 16, Block "I" on a plat entitled
Section 2, Westwood Subdivision, recorded among the Land Records of Wicomico
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