[Effective Date February 25, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-3
AN ACT to delete Chapter 97, Section 97-4 of the Wicomico County Code, titled
"Tax credit for unsold, newly constructed, single dwelling units" eliminating the tax
credit for county property taxes on unsold, newly constructed, single dwelling units.
[Effective Date April 26, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-4
AN ACT to amend Chapter 200 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Subdivision
of Land," by the addition of paragraph F in Section 200-3, entitled "Exclusions,"
authorized the Wicomico County Planning Commission to approve the subdivision of
parcels contain nonconforming residential dwellings under specified conditions.
[Effective Date April 26, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-5
AN ACT to amend Chapter 125 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Critical
Area Resource Protection," Section 125-35, titled "Authorization," Section 125-37,
titled "Site-Specific Buffer Variances" and Section 125-38, titled "Conditions," to
eliminate all provisions for site-specific buffer variances from the Wicomico County
Critical Area Resource Protection program.
[Effective Date August 28, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-6
AN ACT to amend Chapter 203 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Taxation,"
Section 203-3, titled "Penalty," Section 203-4, titled "Discount Rate," and Section
203-5, titled "Continuation of County Policy" to increase the interest rate due for
delinquent taxes and clarify the applicable discount rates.
(Effective Date August 28, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-7
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Zoning,"
amending the map entitled "Wicomico County Zoning Map" referred to in Section 76
of said Chapter, to rezone property consisting of 88.31 acres, more or less, situated in
the Salisbury Election District, Wicomico County, Maryland, on the southerly side of
US Route 50, west of Salisbury. The properties are shown and designated on County
Tax Map No. 28 as Parcels 33 and 169, said property being more specifically described
in the following Deeds recorded among the Land Records of Wicomico County,
- 5365 -