County in Liber J.W.T.S. No. 396, folio 51, being more specifically described in a
Confirmatory Deed dated July 15, 1999 from Larmar Corporation to Jireh, Inc. and
recorded among the aforesaid land records in Liber M.S.B. No. 1694, folio 475; said
property to be re-zoned from C-2 General Commercial to R-8 Residential..
[Effective Date December 18, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-12
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Zoning," by
the addition of a definition of "apartment, accessory" in Section 225-3, titled
"Definitions and word usage" and the inclusion of an accessory apartment as a use
permitted by special exception in the Agriculture/Rural, R-8 Residential, R-15
Residential, R-20 Residential, R-21 Residential and R-22 Residential Districts.
[Effective Date December 18, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-13
AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Zoning," by
the amendment Section 225-15, titled "R-8 Residential District" and Section 225-20,
titled "R-15 Residential District" to eliminate the minimum acreage requirement for
a care home for the elderly or child-care home when the property has access to public
water or sewer.
[Effective Date December 18, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-14
AN ACT to amend Chapter 86 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Sheriff" to
authorize the Office of the Sheriff of Wicomico County to appoint school crossing
guards in order to promote the safety of children crossing streets and highways to
attend schools in Wicomico County and to establish penalties for the violation of
lawful orders given by school crossing guards.
[Effective Date December 18, 1999]
Bill No. 1999-15
AN ACT to amend Chapter 151 of the Wicomico County Code, titled
"Fortune-Telling" to clarify the definition of fortune-telling, amend provisions
relating to the permitting of fortune-tellers, including application contents, filing
procedures, background investigations, permit issuance or denial, fees and revocation
of permits.
[Effective Date December 18, 1999]
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