on Schedule A under MDOT construction
management responsibility to projects
under County or JKCI/JKCS construction
management responsibility until after the
Maryland Department of Transportation
has reviewed and certified that the cost
overruns for the County and JKCI/JKCS
projects are justified, provided that the
State's total commitment of funds does not
exceed $70.5 million.
(C) The Secretary may provide a grant to
Prince George's County of up to $125
million for construction or improvements to
county roads that are not directly located on
the Wilson Farm property. The grant shall
be provided only upon receipt from Prince
George's County of a written agreement to:
(1) repay the Transportation Trust Fund
$1,000,000 per year commencing the fiscal
year of the opening of the Redskins Stadium
and (2) to be responsible for any cost
overruns on the county road projects listed
in Schedule A for which the County has
construction management responsibility.
The $1,000,000 may either be paid in four
quarterly payments of $250,000 each on July
1, October 1, January 1, and April 1, or
deducted from the Prince George's County
share of highway user revenues prior to the
distribution of funds to the County;
provided, however, in no event shall the sum
of Prince George's County's payments
exceed that amount necessary to amortize
that portion of the grant paid by the State to
the County assuming an interest rate equal
to that rate of interest which would be
payable on the next sale of Consolidated
Transportation Bonds issued by the State.
Further provided that Prince George's
County shall be responsible for the
maintenance of the County Roads projects
identified on Schedule A regardless of the
entity responsible for constructing those
infrastructure improvements. Because the
projects identified on Schedule A for which
the County has construction management
responsibility are only in the project
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