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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2883   View pdf image
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Ch. 484

(2) The Task Force is established to study the operation of the
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) as the agency relates
to Prince George's County and the Prince George's County Government to identify those areas
where efficiency and savings can be achieved by consolidation or reassignment of overlapping
or similar functions or responsibilities.

(b)     (1) The Task Force consists of nine members.

(2)     Of the nine members:

(i) four shall be appointed by the County Executive of Prince George's

(ii) one shall be appointed by the County Council of Prince George's

(iii) one shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Prince George's County
House of Delegates Delegation;

(iv) one shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Prince George's County
Senate Select Committee;

(v) one shall be appointed by the Prince George's County Municipal
Association; and

(vi) one shall be appointed by the members of the MNCPPC from Prince
George's County.

(3)    A member of the Task Force may not:
hold an elected office;

(ii) serve on the MNCPPC; or

(iii) be employed by Prince George's County or the MNCPPC.

(4) In appointing members of the Task Force, the appointing authority shall seek
to include individuals who have an understanding of:

(i) public finance;

(ii) the role of the MNCPPC and its relationship with the County; and

(iii) projected needs of the County in the service areas affected by the study.

(c)     The County Executive of Prince George's County shall appoint one member as
chairman of the Task Force.

(d)     (I) The Maryland Department of Fiscal Services shall provide staff support to
the Task Force.

(2) Under the direction of the Task Force, the Department of Fiscal Services
shall conduct a feasibility study of combining common support functions of those entities that
are subject to the Task Force's study.

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2883   View pdf image
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