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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2884   View pdf image
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Ch. 485                                    1996 LAWS OF MARYLAND

(e) The Task Force shall study:

(1)     the role and functions of the MNCPPC and the County to identify areas
where operational functions among the entities are similar or overlap;

(2)     the feasibility of combining identified functions under a single entity for
improved efficiency or economies of scale;

(3) the possible reassignment of any functions performed by any entity that
would result in improved efficiency and savings; and

(4) any other matter appropriate, in the view of the Task Force concerning the
role and functions of the entities studied, the needs of the County, and the opportunities for
change to better serve the residents of Prince George's County.

(f) The County Government and the MNCPPC shall cooperate and work with the
Task Force and, at the request of the Task Force, provide any information that the Task Force
requires to carry out its responsibilities.

(g) (1) On or before December 1, 1996, the Task Force shall complete its study and
report its findings and recommendations to the:

(i) County Executive of Prince George's County;

(ii) County Council for Prince George's County; and

(iii) Prince George's County Senate and House Delegations.

(2) The Task Force's report shall include a detailed fiscal analysis reflecting any
savings that can be achieved as a result of each recommendation.

SECTION 2. 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 1996.

Approved May 14, 1996.

(House Bill 700)

AN ACT concerning

Metropolitan District - Prince George's County - Boundaries

PG/MC 22-96

FOR the purpose of modifying the boundaries of the Maryland-Washington
Metropolitan District as it relates to Prince George's County; providing for the
construction of this Act; prohibiting Prince George's County from collecting certain
taxes that are due under certain circumstances; providing for the termination of
certain provisions of this Act;
establishing a Commission to Study the Metropolitan
District; specifying the membership of and the appointment process for the Commission;

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2884   View pdf image
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