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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 4794   View pdf image
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Article 21, §§ 2-101(11), and (21A), and (28B); 2-203.1; 2-203.2; 2-206(b)(13);
2-209(d)(3), (e)(3) and (4), and (i); 2-210(a)(4); and 2-605.1(a)(1) and (3)
and (b); Article 26, §§ 1-101(23A) and (43C); 1-104(12); 2-303(12); and
2-402(a)(7); and Article 28, §§ 1-101(25B) and (51D); 1A-108(i), and

Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)

BY renumbering:

Article 21, §§ 2-101(7A), (7B), (8A), (21B), (21C), (21D), (21E), (22B), (22C),
(22D), (22E), (22F), (22G), (22H), (22I), (22J), (23C), (24A), (24B), (24C),
(24D), (28A), (28B), (28C) and (28D) to be §§ (7B), (7C), (8B), (21G), (21H),
(21I), (21J), (22C), (22D), (22E),.(22G), (22H), (22I), (22J), (22K), (22M),
(23E), (24B), (24C), (24E), (24F), (24G), (28B), (28C), (28D) and (28F),
respectively; and Article 26, §§ 1-101(1B), (1C), (4B), (9B), (9C), (9D), (9E),
(23B), (23C), (23D), (23E), (27A), (27B), (28A), (30A), (36A), (36B), (36C),
(36D), (36E), (36F), and (42A) to be §§ 1-101(1C), (1D), (4C), (9C), (9D),
(9E), (9F), (23F), (23G), (23H), (23I), (27B), (27C), (28B), (30B), (36C),
(36E), (36F), (36H), (36I), (36J), and (42B), respectively

Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
[Approved and Enacted October 7, 1994]

Bill No. 72-94

AN ORDINANCE concerning:

Construction Codes

FOR the purpose of adopting a certain building code, a certain one- and two-family
dwelling code, a certain energy conservation code, a certain mechanical code, a
certain electrical code, a certain fuel gas code, and a certain plumbing code; making
certain amendments, deletions, and corrections to these codes; and defining certain

BY repealing:

Article 20, §§ 2-102(17), (22), (24), (25), (26), (27), (28), (29), (31), (32), (33), (34),

(35), (36), (37), (38), and (46; 2-107(7) and (11); and 6-202
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)

BY adding:

Article 20, §§ 2-102(5), (8), (19), (23), (24), (25), (26), (28), (29), (30), (32), (33),

(34), (35), (36), (37), (38), (39), (40), (41), (42), (43), (44), (45), (46) and (54);

2-104(1) and (7); and 5-202(17), (20), and (21)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:

Article 20, §§ 1-101; 2-101(a) and (b); 2-102(1), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10),
(11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (18), (19), (20), (21), (23), (30), (39), (40),

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Session Laws, 1995
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