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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 4793   View pdf image
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Bill No. 70-94

AN ORDINANCE concerning:

Scenic and Historic Roads

FOR the purpose of establishing the Scenic and Historic Roads Commission; providing
for the membership of the Commission, and their appointment, terms, removal, and
meetings; defining the powers and duties of the Commission; establishing criteria
for the designation of scenic and historic roads; and generally relating to scenic and
historic roads.

BY adding:

Article 24, §§ 8-101 through 8-103, to be under the new title, "Title 8. Scenic and

Historic Roads"
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)

[Approved and Enacted August 23, 1994]

Bill No. 71-94

AN ORDINANCE concerning:

Forests, Woodlands, and Trees - Implementation of the State Forest Conservation Act

FOR the purpose of implementing the State Forest Conservation Act in the county
grading and sediment control law and the County subdivision law; establishing
forest conservation thresholds and priorities for the retention of existing forests;
providing for long term agreements for forested areas; establishing standards for
mitigation of forest clearing through reforestation and afforestation; providing for
the establishment of a forest conservation fund for the purpose of afforestation and
reforestation; adopting additional standards for the mitigation of forest clearing;
and generally relating to forest conservation.

BY repealing:

Article 21, §§ 2-203.1, 2-203.2, 2-207.1, 2-315, 2-316, and 2-317; and Article 26, §§

2-304.1 and 2-304.2
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)

BY adding:

Article 21, §§ 2-101(lA), (2A), (4A), (7A), (8A), (9D), (10A), (21B), (21C), (21D),
(21E), (21J), (22B), (22F), (22L), (22N), (23C), (23D), (24A), (24C), (28A),
and (28E); 2-105.1(d); 2-209(e)(5); 2-315; 2-316; 2-317; 2-318; 2-319; 2-320;
and 2-321; and Article 26, §§ 1-101, (1B), (4B), (7A), (9B), (10B), (12A),
(23B), (23C), (23D), (23E), (23J), (27A), (28A), (30A), (30C), (35A), (36B),
(36C), (36F), (42A), and (45A); 1-111(e); 2-304.1; 2-304.2; 2-304.3; 2-304.4;
2-304.5; 2-304.6; 2-304.7; 2-304.8; and 5-101(c)

Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:

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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 4793   View pdf image
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