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Dorchester County Court, Chattel Records, 1842-1847
Volume 774, Page 232   View pdf image
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and Hester Handley widow of said County & State of the other part
Witnesseth whereas the said Francis Webb the party of the first part is indebted
to the said Hester Handley the party of the second part upon certain
writing obligatory under his hand and seal bearing date the twenty second day
of September in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred & forty conditioned conditioned
for the payment of one thousand dollars on the twenty second day of September
in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and forty two with legal interest upon
the same as by the said writing obligatory reference to the same being had will
more fully and at large appear And whereas for the better securing of the said Hester Handley party of the second part the said Francis Webb the party of
the first part did on the twenty eighth day of February in the year of our Lord eighteen
hundred and forty four execute to the said Hester Handley party of the
second part a Bill of Sale of the crop of wheat oats and corn which was at that
time seeded and growing on the Farm whereof the said Francis Webb of that
time and now resides also all the Corn Crops, Potatoes and other produce which
might be thereafter sown, planted and cultivated & raised and grown thereon
with all the Wood which might be cut & prepared for market from that time
hence by which it wa intended by the said Francis Webb the party of the first
part and understood by the said Hester Handley the party of the second part
to convey all the right and interest of the said party of the first part Francis
Webb in & to & of & concerning both the crops of any and every description then
growing and thereafter to be seeded, planted, cultivated or grown   And
whereas the said Hester Handley is in doubt whether such intention clearly
appears and is sufficiently expressed in the said forementioned Bill of sale and
is desirous that the same may be more fully set forth and delivered to all of which
the said Francis Webb the party of the first part is willing   Now this Indenture
Witnesseth that the said Francis Webb the party of the first part as well for and in
consideration of the aforesaid debt of one thousand dollars and for the better securing
the payment thereof with interest thereon unto the said Hester Handley the
party of the second part her executors, administrators and assigns in discharge of
the said obligation by writing obligatory and of the premises herein before recited as
for the further sum of five dollars to him in hand paid at and before the
sealing and delivery of these presents by the said Hester Handley the party of the
second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained
sold, released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release
and confirm unto the said Hester Handley the party of the second part her
heirs and Assigns all the crop of wheat, oats, corn, potatoes or of whatsoever else
may be now growing or has grown or may grow during this current year upon the
said Farm on which the said Francis Webb the party of the first part does
now reside it being the same upon which he did reside at the time of the execution
of the said before mentioned Bill of Sale.  To have and to hold the said
crops of wheat, oats, corn, potatoes or whatsoever else may be growing or may

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Dorchester County Court, Chattel Records, 1842-1847
Volume 774, Page 232   View pdf image
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