Volume 774, Page 218 View pdf image |
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218. executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 22 day of April in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and forty four. The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Walter Kirby will well and truly execute the Office of Coroner in all things that belongeth thereto and shall well and faithfully execute and return all writs or other process to him directed and shall also pay over and deliver to the proper person or persons entitled to receive the same all sums of Money and Tobacco all such goods and chattels by him taken levied and seized or that agreeable to the directions or other process under which the same shall have been seized or taken and also shall keep and detain in safe custody all and every person and persons committed to his custody or by him taken in execution or who shall be committed for the want of Bail without suffering them or any of them to escape or depart from his custody and shall also satisfy and pay all Judgments which shall be rendered against him as Coroner and shall also well and truly execute and perform the several duties required of or imposed upon him by the laws of this state. Then this obligation to be void and of none effect otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of Walter Kirby (Seal) Charles Corkran Joseph Flint (Seal) William Kirby (Seal) I hereby certify that I have examined the within Bond and approve of the securities on the same 22.d April 1844. Thomas Brierwood a Justice of the O. Court of Dorchester County John B. Dean Be it remembered that the following Mortgage BIll of Sale was from Ex.d recorded on the 22.d day of April 1844, To wit: Isaac Myers Know all men by these presents that I Isaac Myers of Picaway County and state of Ohio for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seventy five dollars lawful money of the United States in hand paid by John B. Dean in the State of Maryland and Dorchester County at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; Have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said John B. Dean his executors, administrators and assigns a negro Girl named Amanda (inherited by Mary W Myers from Elizabeth S. Boston) aged about 17 years a dark mulatto and at present in the possession of the said John B. Dean Now the Condition of the within and aforegoing Bill of Sale or instrument of writing is such that if the aforesaid John B. Dean shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Isaac Myers his heirs or assigns the full and just sum of ninety five dollars on or before the 20.th day of April 1845 then the within Bill of Sale to be good and sufficient in law otherwise to be of no effect and the within named Negro Amanda to be the property and right of the aforesaid Myers. To have and to hold the said described Negro Girl Amanda to the said John B. Dean his executors, administrators and assigns forever; and him the said Isaac Myers, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators the said Isaac Myers |
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Volume 774, Page 218 View pdf image |
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