office of State Fire Marshal, the Police Training Commission, the Maryland Parole
Commission, the Division of Parole and Probation established pursuant to § 4-105 of this
article, the Sundry Claims Board, [the Maryland State Police established pursuant to §
4-105 of this article,] the Advisory Board for Correction, Parole and Probation
established pursuant to § 4-107 of this article, the Division of Pretrial Detention and
Services, and such other agencies, boards, commissions, councils, offices, or units of
government as may hereafter pursuant to law be declared to be part of the Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services.
(c) The Maryland State Police shall be [an agency] A PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENT
of the State government, AS ESTABLISHED UNDER ARTICLE 88B OF THE CODE [, and
such agency is established and continued as the same Department of the Maryland State
Police hitherto existing. The Maryland State Police shall be part of the Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services. The Maryland State Police shall have the powers,
duties, responsibilities and functions provided in the laws of this State for the
Department of the Maryland State Police. All references in this Code, in any other laws
of this State, or in ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, legal actions, directives, or
documents to the Department of the Maryland State Police shall be deemed to mean the
Maryland State Police. From and after July 1, 1970, all rights, powers, duties, obligations
and functions heretofore conferred upon or exercised by the Department of the Maryland
State Police, shall be transferred to and be exercised by the Department of the Maryland
State Police, subject to the authority of the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional
Services as set forth in §§ 4-102, 4-103, and 4-104 of this article or elsewhere in this
Article 88B - State Police
The Maryland State Police [as heretofore] IS established AS A PRINCIPAL
DEPARTMENT OF STATE GOVERNMENT, shall have powers and duties, and shall be
administered in accordance with this article. [The Maryland State Police shall be part of
the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. The exercise and
performance by the Maryland State Police and by the Superintendent of all authority,
powers, duties and functions vested in the Maryland State Police or in the Superintendent
by this article or by any other provisions of law, shall be subject to the authority of the
Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services set forth in Article 41 of this Code or
in other provisions of law.]
(a) The affairs and operations of the Department shall be supervised and directed
by a Superintendent. The Superintendent shall report to the [Secretary of Public Safety
and Correctional Services. However, nothing in this section, in Article 41 of the Code, or
in Title 8 of the State Government Article shall be construed to prevent the
Superintendent from reporting directly to the Governor with respect to any matters
which, in the Superintendent's judgment, should be brought to the immediate attention of
the Governor as Chief Executive of the State] GOVERNOR.
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