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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 1373   View pdf image
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acknowledge the commitment of the Department and Baltimore City
to work with the affected communities on an on-going basis to resolve
community problems, if any, relating to the facility
(Baltimore City).

(C) Arthur G. Murphy, Sr. Youth Services Center, Renovation of former
school to provide a 60-bed residential program with education
component, provided that no funds shall be expended for this project
until the Department of Juvenile Services reports to the budget
committees about the level of federal fund support agreed upon
between the department and the U.S. Department of Labor and the
budget committees provide review and comment, or the passage of 15
without a commitment of federal fund support, based on an
agreement between the Department of Juvenile Services and the U.S.
Department of Labor. The Department of Juvenile Services shall
report to the budget committees regarding the federal fund portion for
operating the program. The budget committees will have 45 days to
review and comment or the funds shall be considered approved
(Baltimore City)

50.01.00                      MISCELLANEOUS GRANT PROGRAMS

(A)    Silver Spring Revitalization. Provide a grant to Montgomery
County to design, construct, equip, and renovate facilities for the
Silver Spring Revitalization Project, subject to the requirement
that Montgomery County provide an equal and matching fund.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1(5) of this Act, the
matching fund may include expenditures made after June 1, 1993,
for property acquisition and the relocation of occupants of
structures demolished or to be demolished within the Silver Spring
Urban Renewal Project Area, and for the design, construction,
renovation, and equipping of facilities for this project. Provided
that the State's total commitment to the Silver Spring Revitalization
remains $15 million
(Montgomery County).......................................

(B)    Transit Center Improvements. Provide grants to be administered
by the Department of Economic and Employment Development to
assist in the acquisition, design, and construction of improvements
adjacent to public transit stations (Statewide).................................

(C)    Ocean City Convention Center. Provide a grant to the Town of
Ocean City to assist in the design of alterations and an addition to
the Ocean City Convention Center, subject to the requirement that
the grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this purpose.
Further provided that the Mayor and Town Council of Ocean City

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Ch. 115



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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 1373   View pdf image
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