Ch. 115
shall be solely responsible for expending this appropriation, the
matching fund, and any other funds provided for this purpose;
entering into contracts; engaging consultants; making
recommendations and taking other actions related to the purpose
of this appropriation and may utilize the Maryland Stadium
Authority's services only on a consulting basis, and further provided
that the Mayor and Town Council of Ocean City may delegate
management of this project to the Maryland Stadium Authority or use
the Maryland Stadium Authority as a consultant. The Maryland
Stadium Authority may expend this appropriation, the matching fund,
and any other funds provided for this purpose; enter into contracts;
engage consultants; make recommendations; and take other actions
related to the purpose of this appropriation. No other State or
Maryland Stadium Authority funds may be used or transferred to the
Convention Center project (Worcester County)..................................
The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center. Provide a grant to The Johns
Hopkins Health System Corporation to assist in the design,
construction, and equipping of patient care, research, and support
facilities for The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, subject to the
requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching fund
for this purpose. Further provided that the grant is conditional
upon Johns Hopkins Health System granting and conveying to the
Maryland Historical Trust a perpetual preservation easement on
the exterior of the historic Frank M, Houck Building (formerly the
Phipps Psychiatric Clinic).
The easement must be in the form and substance acceptable to the
Trust and the extent of the interest to be encumbered must be
acceptable to the Trust (Baltimore City)..........................................
(D) Baltimore Children's Museum, Inc. Provide a grant to the
Baltimore Children's Museum, Inc. to assist in the design,
construction, and equipping of the Baltimore Children's Museum,
Inc., subject to the requirement that the grantee and/or the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore provide an equal and matching fund
for this purpose, and further subject to the requirement that the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore provide assurances
satisfactory to the Board of Public Works that additional funds will
be made available in the amount necessary to complete this
project. Further provided that no funds may be expended until a
complete Board of Directors and a Chairman of the Board of
Directors have been selected (Baltimore City)....................................
(E) Baltimore Zoo - Earth Conservation Center. Provide a grant
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