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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 610   View pdf image
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Ch. 10


certain assistance given by State and local units and personnel to the Secretary of
Personnel; revising the laws relating to the delegation by the Secretary of Personnel
of authority to conduct hearings, issue final or proposed decisions, approve
proposed decisions, or take other actions in or with respect to certain proceedings;
revising the laws relating to certain political activities of State and local employees;
revising the laws relating to the protections and remedies afforded certain
employees who disclose certain information; revising the laws relating to the Equal
Employment Opportunity Program; revising the laws relating to certain actions
against certain applicants for State employment based on medical reasons and
certain protections afforded certain employees who are on sick leave or maternity
leave; revising the laws relating to the classified service of the State, including the
laws relating to eligibility and examinations for appointment, certification and
appointment procedures, probation, employee performance standards, and
employee transfers; revising the laws relating to employees of certain State acquired
entities; revising the laws relating to part-time employment; revising the laws
relating to employee compensation, including those relating to the Executive Pay
Plan and the Standard Pay Plan, shift differential pay and hazardous duty pay,
overtime compensation, and the Central Payroll Bureau; revising the laws relating
to leave time and holidays, including holiday leave, annual leave, personal leave,
sick leave, work-related accident leave, leave for religious observances,
compensatory leave, family and seasonal leave, and other paid or unpaid leaves;
revising the laws relating to certain employee benefits, including those relating to
the State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program, the
Innovative Idea Program, the Incentive Performance Awards Program, and other
programs and benefits; revising the laws relating to certain separations from
employment, including rejections during probation, removals for cause after
probation, suspensions pending disposition, layoffs, and resignations; revising the
laws relating to grievance procedures afforded to certain employees; revising the
laws relating to the reinstatement of certain employees into certain positions,
including the reinstatement of veterans; revising the laws relating to certain
short-term employees, including emergency and temporary extra employees;
revising the laws relating to contractual employees; revising the laws relating to
certain service contracts; revising the laws that prohibit certain acts, authorize
certain methods of enforcement, and specify certain penalties for noncompliance;
correcting cross-references; amending certain definitions; defining certain terms;
repealing certain inconsistent and obsolete laws; providing for the effect of the
Revisor's Notes contained in this Act; providing for the continuity of certain terms
of office; providing for the effect of this Act on the status of certain employees,
officials, and positions; providing for the effect of this Act on any change in
nomenclature; amending and transferring to other articles certain miscellaneous
provisions, including ones relating to the status of certain employees in the State
Personnel Management System, the classified service, and the unclassified service;
transferring certain provisions to the Session Laws; providing for the effect,
construction, and effective date of the provisions of this Act; and generally relating
to State personnel.

BY repealing

Article 33 - Election Code

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 610   View pdf image
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