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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 611   View pdf image
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Ch. 10

Section 28-1 and 28-2 and the subtitle designation "Political Activities of State

Annotated Code of Maryland
(1990 Replacement Volume and 1992 Supplement)

BY repealing

Article 41 - Governor - Executive and Administrative Departments

Section 9-101 through 9-106, inclusive, and the title designation "Title 9.

Department of Personnel" and the subtitle designation "Subtitle 1. Creation

and Organization"
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1990 Replacement Volume and 1992 Supplement)

BY repealing

Article 64A - Merit System

Section 1, 2, 3(1) through (11), inclusive, and (13) through (20), inclusive, 4, 6, 7A
through 9C, inclusive, 9G, 9H, 9N, 9P, 9V(a) and (b)(1), 9X, and 10 through
12, inclusive, and the subtitle designation "Definitions and General
Provisions"; 12A through 12E, inclusive, and the subtitle designation "Equal
Employment Opportunity Program"; 12F through 12K, inclusive, and the
subtitle designation "Employee Disclosure and Confidentiality Protection"; 13
through 22, inclusive, and 24 and the subtitle designation "Employment
Generally"; 26 and the subtitle designation "Transfers to State Employment";
27 through 32, inclusive, and the subtitle designation "Compensation,
Records, and Service Award"; 32A through 32E, inclusive, and the subtitle
designation "Incentive Awards"; 33 through 36A, inclusive, and the subtitle
designation "Separations and Hearings"; 37(a)(1), (2), (3)(ii) and (iii), (4)
through (6), inclusive, and (b) through (i), inclusive, and 37A through 37E,
inclusive, and the subtitle designation "Paid and Unpaid Leave"; 38 and
38A(a) and (c) through (e), inclusive, and the subtitle designation "Payroll";
40 through 43, inclusive, and the subtitle designation "Crimes and Civil
Actions"; 44 through 46, inclusive, and 47A through 47C, inclusive, and the
subtitle designation "Miscellaneous Provisions"; 48 through 48E, inclusive,
and the subtitle designation "Health Benefits"; 50, 51(a) through (1), inclusive,
and (n), 51A, and 51B and the subtitle designation "Part-Time, Acquired, and
Contractual Employees"; 52 through 56, inclusive, 57 and the subtitle
designation "State Employee Grievance Procedures"; and 57A and 58 through
63, inclusive, and the subtitle designation "Procurement of Services"

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1988 Replacement Volume and 1992 Supplement)

BY repealing

Article 89 - Miscellaneous Business, Work, and Safety Provisions

Section 27 through 29, inclusive, and the subtitle designation "State Employees"

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1991 Replacement Volume and 1992 Supplement)

- 611 -


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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 611   View pdf image
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