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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 3660   View pdf image
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H.B. 1383


WHEREAS, Increasing the skills and productivity of the State's work force is vital
to the prosperity and economic security of the State and nation; and

WHEREAS, Rapid technological change and increasing international competition
demand that work force skills be continually updated; and

WHEREAS, Efficient services to assist people both in and preparing to enter the
work force are essential for increasing skills and productivity; and

WHEREAS, The State government and private sector employers must form a more
active partnership to develop the State's work force for today's needs and those of the
future; now, therefore,

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article 83A - Department of Economic and Employment Development


(b) The Secretary in cooperation with the [Governor's Employment and Training
Council] WORK FORCE INVESTMENT BOARD shall develop voluntary guidelines for
employers faced with a reduction in operations. These guidelines shall include:

(1)     The appropriate length of time for advance notification to employees
that an employer expects to terminate due to a reduction in operations. Whenever
possible and appropriate, at least 90 days notice shall be given;

(2)     The appropriate continuation of benefits, such as health, severance, and
pension, that an employer should provide to employees who will be terminated due to a
reduction in operations; or

(3)     The specific mechanisms that employers can utilize to ask for the
assistance of the State's quick response program.


(a) (1) There is a Partnership for Workforce Quality Advisory Board as part of
the Department of Economic and Employment Development.

(2)     (i) The Board shall consult on a regular basis with the [Governor's
Employment and Training Council] WORK FORCE INVESTMENT BOARD concerning the
activities of the Partnership for Workforce Quality Program.

(ii) The Board shall submit a quarterly report on the Program to the
[Governor's Employment and Training Council] WORK FORCE INVESTMENT BOARD.

(3)     The Board consists of 15 members, appointed by the Governor, with the
advice of the Secretary of Economic and Employment Development and the Chairman of
the [Governor's Employment and Training Council] WORK FORCE INVESTMENT

(4)     The Board membership shall include:

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 3660   View pdf image
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