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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2132   View pdf image
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Ch. 394                                     1993 LAWS OF MARYLAND


WHEREAS, It is a goal of the General Assembly to preserve the integrity and
flexibility of continuing education programs, preserve the overseas program, ensure
compliance with Department of Defense contracts for the overseas program, and
preserve existing adult and continuing education resources at the University of Maryland
University College;

WHEREAS, Additional goals of the General Assembly are that degree programs
at Univ
ersity of Maryland College Park campus be available through expanded
off campus programs, that the College Park campus and University of Maryland
ersity College avoid establishing parallel adult education delivery systems and that
the University System consider the increasing financial needs of adult students who do
not receive general fund support;

WHEREAS, The Board of Regents of the University of Maryland System is
responsible for the management of the University of Maryland System and has all the
powers, rights, and privileges that go with that responsibility, including the power to
conduct or maintain any. institutions, schools, or departments in the University at the
locations the Board determines; and

WHEREAS, Subject to the approval of the Governor and General Assembly, the
Board may merge, consolidate, or close any constituent institution; and

WHEREAS, It is intended that this Act reaffirm the designation of the University
of Maryland College Park as the State's flagship institution, with a strong commitment to
and responsibility for statewide outreach and the meeting of the needs of all of the
citizens of the State for continuing professional and technical education; and

WHEREAS, The Maryland Higher Education Commission is required to advise the
Governor and General Assembly on statewide higher education policy; and

WHEREAS, The Maryland Higher Education Commission responded to that
charge by adopting "Investing in People: The Maryland Plan for Postsecondary
Education"; and

WHEREAS, The Governor has endorsed this plan; and

WHEREAS, The plan states that in order to fulfill its mission as the State's flagship
institution, the University of Maryland College Park must have a strong commitment to
and responsibility for statewide outreach, and must make its unique programs available to
the entire State and particularly to the increasing number of adult part-time students;

WHEREAS, There are increasing numbers of part-time Maryland students who
require accessible and moderate cost higher education in order to meet the demands of a
changing economy; and

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2132   View pdf image
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