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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2133   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                         Ch. 394

WHEREAS, The consolidation of the University of Maryland College Park and the
programs of the University of Maryland University Colleg
e should may have the potential
of enhancing the flagship institution's statewide mission while providing increased
continuing education opportunities at all levels that are of moderate cost to the State's
part tim
e students and that are responsive to the needs of both employees and
ers; and

WHEREAS, The consolidation of these programs should result in increased
administrative efficiency; and

WHEREAS, Adding continuing professional and technical education to the mission
of the University of Maryland College Park should may ensure that the flagship
institution's programs will meet increasing needs of Marylanders for lifelong learning
opportunities; now, therefore,

MARYLAND, That authority is hereby given pursuant to § 12-104(e)(2) and (3) of the
Education Article for the Board of Regents of the University of Maryland System to
e, consolidate, and unify the programs of the constituent institution known as the
University of Maryland University College into the constituent institution known as the
University of Maryland College Park, and to do all things necessary or proper in
connection therewith, if, in the judgment of the Board of Regents, such mergers,
consolidations, closures, and unification of its constitu
ent institutions or their programs
are deemed in the b
est interests of the State.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That if the Board of Regents
determines that another, more efficient method of providing continuing education to the
citizens of the State exists of the University of Maryland System shall undertake a study to
comprehensively and broadly assess the current status of continuing education in Maryland.
The Board of Regents shall include in the study an assessment to determine if it is feasible to

(1)     the advantages of the diverse and broad scope of course offerings and faculty
capabilities at the University of Maryland at College Park,

(2)     the effective delivery systems for educational programs of the University of
Maryland University College, and

(3)     the wide-ranging strengths and capabilities of the other constituent
institutions of the University of Maryland System, in a way that will bring about a continuing
education system that efficiently and effectively meets the needs of the changing nature of the
student populations that are seeking continuing education in Maryland
that enhances the
flagship responsibiliti
es of the University of Maryland College Park and is consistent with
Chapter 246 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1988, the 1988. The Board of Regents
shall report its findings to the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate
Budget and Taxation Committee no later than October November 1, 1993.

SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, to the extent it is
affected by this Act and to the extent doomed appropriate by the Board of Regents, the
University of Maryland College Park shall be the successor of the University of Maryland

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2133   View pdf image
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