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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2092   View pdf image
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Ch. 380                                     1993 LAWS OF MARYLAND

(8) (i) "Service obligation" means the obligation of recipients to provide
physical or occupational therapy to handicapped children in a public school in Maryland
or handicapped children placed in a nonpublic education program as provided under §
8-409 of this article, the first year of which is provided under the full-time, on-site
supervision of a licensed physical or occupational therapist who has at least 2 years'
experience in a school program.

(ii) "Service obligation" may include service performed in a State
therapeutic hospital determined by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene to have
a severe shortage of physical or occupational therapists providing the requirement of
subsection (c) (2) of this section has been met.

(b)     (1) Economic Development Student Assistance Grants may be awarded as
tuition assistance grants to train physical therapists, physical therapy assistants,
occupational therapists, and occupational therapy assistants.

(2) The Commission shall adopt guidelines or regulations to determine
academic criteria for selection of recipients from eligible applicants.

(c)     (1) The State Scholarship Administration shall distribute annually to
eligible applicants tuition assistance grants to train in physical or occupational therapy.

(2) At least 25 of the annual grants awarded under this section shall require
the service obligation to be satisfied by providing service to handicapped children, as
defined under subsection (a) (8) (i) of this section.

(3). A recipient of an Economic Development Student Assistance Grant
awarded under this section shall:

(i) Be selected by the State Scholarship Administration from qualified
applicants based on competitive standards;

(ii) Be enrolled as a full-time student in an eligible program at an
eligible institution; and                               

(iii) Upon completion of [undergraduate] DEGREE studies, or
completion of certification studies, perform the service obligation.

(4) The annual amount of tuition assistance under this section shall not
exceed $2,000.

(d)     A recipient of an economic development grant awarded under this section
may renew a grant if the recipient:

(1)     Remains enrolled full-time in an eligible program in physical or
occupational therapy; and

(2)     Satisfies any additional criteria the State Scholarship Administration
may establish.

(e)     Funds for the tuition assistance grants awarded under this section:

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Session Laws, 1993
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