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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 977   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                        Ch. 5


Error: Stylistic error in Article 78, § 64A(n).

Occurred: Ch. 658, Acts of 1967.


(c) If a proposed new rate or change or OF rate effecting
an increase goes into effect before a final order is entered in
the said proceedings, the Commission may, where practicable,
order the proponent to keep a detailed and accurate account of
all amounts received by reason of such new rate or increase, and
the persons on whose behalf such amounts are paid, and after the
conclusion of said proceedings, require the proponent to refund,
with interest, to every such person, such part of the new or the
increased rates as the Commission finds unjustified. If such
refund is not practicable, the company shall charge off and
amortize, by means of a temporary decrease, to be fixed by the
Commission, below the rates as finally determined, for such
period as the Commission may determine, the difference between
the operating revenues under the rates [charge] CHARGED and the
operating revenues that would have been obtained from the same
volume of business from the rates as finally determined.


Error: Misspelling in Article 78, § 70(c).

Occurred: Ch. 441, Acts of 1955.


Any party or any person in interest, including the people's
counsel, but not including the staff, dissatisfied by a final
decision or order of the Commission whether affirmative or
negative in form is entitled to judicial review as provided in
this subtitle. For the purposes of this subtitle, the Secretary
of Natural Resources has standing to seek judicial review of the
Commission's final decision or order made pursuant to [Article
78,] §§ 54A and 54B OF THIS ARTICLE relative to the environmental
aspects of power plant siting and the Secretary of the
Environment has standing to seek judicial review of the
Commission's final decision or order made pursuant to [Article
78, § 54H] § 54-I OF THIS ARTICLE. Where the registration of any
motor vehicle carrier is suspended or revoked by the Motor
Vehicle Administration on order of the Commission, the order of
the Commission, and not the action of the Motor Vehicle
Administration, shall be subject to review.


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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 977   View pdf image
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