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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 973   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                        Ch. 5


In this subtitle the following words have the meanings

(20) "Social security integration level" means with
respect to the calendar year in which a member retires or
otherwise terminates employment, the average annual amount of
earnings for which old-age and survivors benefits would be
provided under [Title 11] TITLE II of the federal Social Security
Act for a male employee 65 years old in that calendar year,
computed as though for each year before that calendar year annual
earnings are at least equal to the maximum amount of annual
earnings subject to tax under the Federal Insurance Contributions
Act. Such average annual amount of earnings shall be rounded to
the next lower multiple of $100.


Error: Printing error in Article 73B, § 111(20).

Occurred: Ch. 24, Acts of 1979; correction by the
Michie Company in the 1988 Replacement Volume of
Volume 6 of the Annotated Code of Maryland is
validated by this Act.


(14) (b) If a member retired from the Pension System for
Employees of the State of Maryland is reemployed in a permanent
position with the State, local school system, library, community
college or a participating municipal corporation, the member's
retirement shall be canceled and:

(iv) Upon later retirement, or death in active
service, the member's reserves shall be reduced by the total
amount of payments made to the [members] MEMBER during his or her
earlier retirement, unless the system is reimbursed for such
payments by the member.


Error: Publishing error in Article 73B, §

Occurred: In the printing of the 1983 Cumulative
Supplement to the 1978 Replacement Volume of Volume 6
of the Annotated Code of Maryland.


(4) (a) [(1)] (I) On or before the first day of December
next preceding each regular meeting of the General Assembly of

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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 973   View pdf image
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