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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 974   View pdf image
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Ch. 5


Maryland, the board of trustees shall certify to the State
Superintendent of Schools the rates to be used in determining the
amounts that will become due and payable during the next year to
each of the funds of this pension system together with a
statement of the percentage of the payroll of all members, which
is equivalent to the total amount. To this amount the State
Superintendent of Schools shall add an amount equal to such
percentage of the payroll of teachers who are members of local
retirement funds in the cities and counties of the State who are
excluded from membership in this pension system, not in excess of
the percentage certified for this system, as such cities or
counties may have contributed to their own retirement or pension
system on account of their teachers as determined by an actuarial
valuation. This amount shall be paid to such cities and
counties. The amounts so ascertained shall be included by the
State Superintendent of Schools in his budget estimate. This
amount shall be included in the budget bill that is submitted to
the General Assembly.

[(2)] (II) The State Superintendent of Schools
shall certify the amount specified in [paragraph (a)(1) of this
subsection] SUBPARAGRAPH (I) OF THIS PARAGRAPH to the State
Comptroller. The Comptroller shall draw a warrant on the State
Treasurer for the respective amounts due said cities or counties.
On receipt of the warrant of the Comptroller, the State Treasurer
immediately shall pay to said cities and counties the amounts


Error: Stylistic errors in Article 73B, § 150(4)(a).

Occurred: Ch. 747, Acts of 1985.


(4) The trustees shall serve without compensation, but they
shall be reimbursed in accordance with the [standard travel
regulations] STANDARD STATE TRAVEL REGULATIONS for all necessary
expenses that they may incur through service on the Board.


Error: Erroneous terminology in Article 73B, §

Occurred: Ch. 506, Acts of 1982.


(d) (2) For a community action agency, "legislative body"
shall be the governing body as defined in [Article 41B, § 4-401]
ARTICLE 83B, § 4-401 of the Code.

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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 974   View pdf image
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