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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 972   View pdf image
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Ch. 5


Error: Erroneous and obsolete cross-references in
Article 73B, § 95.

Occurred: The erroneous cross-reference occurred in
Ch. 22, Acts of 1978; the obsolete cross-reference
occurred as a result of Ch. 290, Acts of 1984, which
renumbered Article 73B, § 89(2)(j) to be § 89(2)(f).


(b) (2) An eligible employee is any person who is a member
of or eligible for membership in the Employees' Retirement
System, the Pension System for Employees of the State of
Maryland, the Teachers' Retirement System, or the Pension System
for the Teachers of the State of Maryland and who is:

(iii) A University of Maryland System employee
who is not designated to be treated as a classified employee by
the University under [§ 13-lA-02(b)] § 12-111 of the Education
Article; or

(d) Elections to participate in an optional retirement
program shall be made as follows:

(3) Any State employee who becomes eligible to elect
an optional retirement program by reason of (i) the certification
of the position held by him as professional staff pursuant to [§
81(2) and (3) and (4)] § 81(2),(3), AND (4) , § 99, or § 100 of
this article or [§ ll-204(a)] § 11-104(D) or § 16-105 of the
Education Article, or (ii) his appointment, promotion, transfer
or reclassification to a position previously so certified, may
elect the optional retirement program established pursuant to
this section. This election shall be made in writing and filed
with the respective system and with the employing institution at
least 90 days before the effective date of the election and shall
constitute a waiver of all rights and benefits provided by the
respective system, except as otherwise provided.


Error: In Article 73B, § 110, obsolete
cross-reference in subsection (b)(2)(iii) and
erroneous cross-reference and stylistic error in
subsection (d)(3).

Occurred: The cross-reference in subsection
(b)(2)(iii) became obsolete as a result of Ch. 246,
Acts of 1988, which repealed the pertinent provisions
of § 13-1A-02 of the Education Article and added new §
12-111. The stylistic error in subsection (d)(3)
occurred in Chs. 23 and 24, Acts of 1979; and the
erroneous cross-reference in subsection(d)(3) occurred
in Ch. 246, Acts of 1988.

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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 972   View pdf image
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