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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 3936   View pdf image
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Ch. 674


Section 4-105

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1986 Replacement Volume and 1988 Supplement)

BY adding to

Article 65 - Militia

Section 15A

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1988 Replacement Volume and 1988 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article 16A - [State] MARYLAND Emergency
Management [and Civil Defense] AGENCY


This subtitle may be cited as the [State] MARYLAND Emergency
Management [and Civil Defense] AGENCY Act.


(a)  In order to insure that the State will be adequately
prepared to deal with emergencies and disasters which are beyond
the capabilities of local authorities, and generally to provide
for the common defense and to protect the public peace, health,
and safety, and to preserve the lives and property of the people
of the State of Maryland, it is hereby found and declared to be
necessary: (1) to create a [State] MARYLAND Emergency Management
[and Civil Defense] Agency, and to authorize the creation of
local organizations for emergency management [and civil defense]
in the political subdivisions of the State; (2) to confer upon
the Governor and upon the executive heads or governing bodies of
the political subdivisions of the State the emergency powers
provided herein; and (3) to provide for the rendering of mutual
aid among the political subdivisions of the State and with other
states with respect to the carrying out of the emergency
management functions.

(b)  It is further declared to be the purpose of this
subtitle and the policy of the State of Maryland that all
emergency management functions of this State be coordinated to
the maximum extent possible with the comparable functions of the
federal government, other states and localities, and of private
agencies of every type, to the end that the most effective
preparation and use may be made of the resources and facilities
available for dealing with any disaster that may occur.


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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 3936   View pdf image
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