license commissioners for Worcester County, provided that said
restaurant has a minimum capital investment of $150,000.00 for
restaurant facilities, which sum shall not include the cost of
land or buildings, and has a minimum seating capacity of 125
persons. Nothing contained herein shall permit the issuance of
more than a total of three (3) licenses of all classes issued
under this section to any person, or for the use of any
partnership, corporation or unincorporated association in
Worcester County, except as provided in paragraph (2) of this
subsection. The granting of additional licenses hereunder shall
be limited and restricted to the purpose of providing alcoholic
beverages for consumption on the licensed premises only, with no
off-sale privileges to be exercised therewith.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
section in Worcester County, the holder of a Class B, (on-sale -
hotels and restaurants) beer, wine and liquor license or Class B,
(on-sale - hotels and restaurants) beer and light wine license
under this article, by making application in the regular manner
and paying the usual fee may obtain additional Class B, (on-sale
hotels and restaurants), beer, wine and liquor or Class B,
(on-sale - hotels and restaurants), beer and light wine license
for premises used and operated as public hotel-restaurant or
motel-restaurant complexes having 50 or more sleeping rooms for
rent; provided that the restaurant within the complex has a
minimum capital investment of $150,000 for restaurant facilities
which sum shall not include the cost of land or building, and has
a minimum seating capacity of 75 persons. Nothing contained
herein shall permit the issuance of more than a total of three
licenses under paragraph (1) of this subsection, or a total of
[six] 9 licenses under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection.
The granting of additional licenses hereunder shall only be if
the restaurant operation is part and parcel of the hotel or motel
operation, and that no person, partnership, corporation,
unincorporated association, or any other entity shall have a
pecuniary interest in the license other than the person(s) or
members of the partnership, corporation, unincorporated
association, or entity that own the hotel or motel. The transfer
of any such license granted under this paragraph shall not be
permitted notwithstanding the provisions of § 74 but shall be
subject to the filing of a new application subject to the
provisions of §§ 56 and 60 herewith. The granting of additional
licenses hereunder shall be limited and restricted for the
purpose of providing alcoholic beverages for consumption on the
licensed premises only, with no off-sale privileges to be
exercised therewith.
take effect July 1, 1988.
Approved May 2, 1988.
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