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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 458   View pdf image
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Ch. 55                                    LAWS OF MARYLAND

The Secretary shall shake out, recondition, and pack any
stayed tobacco. The tobacco then shall be reweighed and the
inspection shall be recorded as provided in §§ 7-311 and 7-313.]


If tobacco is delivered at the warehouse for inspection in a
condition that requires cooperage, the Secretary may refuse to
accept the tobacco, or may accept the tobacco and charge a
reasonable sum to repair or recooper the tobacco.]


The Secretary shall determine the fees to be charged for
services provided under this subtitle. The outage fee shall be
paid by the shipper.]


(a)  The Secretary may receive tobacco from any grower or
owner, for storage only, if he determines that space is, or is
reasonably anticipated to be, available in the warehouse for
storage-only tobacco. Preference shall be given to the requests
of growers and then to other owners requesting storage.

(b)  All tobacco received for storage only is subject to a
charge fixed by the Secretary and is subject to a 30-day notice
by the Secretary for immediate removal, and to all other
applicable laws and rules and regulations.

(c)  The Secretary or any private inspector may not inspect
storage-only tobacco unless the owner requests inspection and
pays the appropriate charges.]


(a)  All tobacco inspected in the warehouse is entitled to
storage free of charge for six months from the date of sale.

(b)  Every inspected hogshead remaining in the warehouse
more than six months from the date of sale is subject to storage
charges, as fixed by the Secretary.

(c)  The Secretary may issue a 30-day notice requesting
immediate removal for any tobacco stored longer than six months
from the date of sale.]


A grower or owner of Maryland-grown tobacco may sell it
either in the State or out of it in hogsheads of any size or
weight, in boxes, or in any other style of package, without
inspection or placement in the warehouse for any purpose, or

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 458   View pdf image
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