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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 457   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                      Ch. 55

then he shall select from each break as many bundles as correctly
represent the different qualities of tobacco contained in the
break. The selected bundles shall be considered the sample of the
hogshead. The Secretary shall mark the year of inspection on the

(b)  The Secretary shall confine the sample of each hogshead
inspected, by tying the tobacco together with a strong tape run
through the head of the sample in a manner most likely to prevent
the bundles from separating or being pulled out.

(c)  He shall fasten on the sample a pasteboard label
showing the special markings, number of the hogshead, the
inspection date, and date of receipt. The tapes and label shall
be sealed with sealing wax, and stamped with the warehouse seal.

(d)  When a hogshead is redrawn or reviewed, the sample and
label of the original inspection shall be returned to the
Secretary who shall destroy it. The label on the sample given at
the redrawing or reopening of the tobacco shall show that the
hogshead has been reinspected or reviewed.]


(a)  If any owner or his agent believes that any of his
tobacco has been incorrectly sampled, he shall notify the
Secretary before the sale and within ten days of inspection.

(b)  The matter shall be referred to a committee of
arbitration, consisting of three persons, to be selected as
follows: one by the Secretary; one by the owner of the tobacco or
his agent; and the two selected shall select the remaining member
of the committee.

(c)  The committee may require the Secretary to reopen the
hogshead. If the committee finds that the sample does not
correctly represent the tobacco, the committee or a majority of
it, shall select a sample which correctly represents it. The new
sample shall be substituted for the rejected sample, at no cost
to the owner, except that if the committee finds the sample
properly represents the tobacco, then the owner shall pay $1 per
hogshead to cover reopening costs.]


If the amount of inspected tobacco accumulated in the
warehouse is so large that it delays inspection, the Secretary
may rent storage for as much as may be necessary to remove.]


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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 457   View pdf image
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