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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 456   View pdf image
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Ch. 55                                    LAWS OF MARYLAND


(a)  The Secretary shall take charge of any leaf tobacco
delivered to the warehouse and the parties delivering it are
entitled to receive, upon demand, the Secretary's receipt.

(b)  The Secretary shall mark in succession each hogshead of
tobacco with a number when it is delivered to the warehouse, and
enter the number in a book kept for that purpose, together with
the name of the owner or consignee and special markings.

(c)  When the hogshead is removed from the warehouse, the
Secretary shall enter in a book kept for that purpose, the date
when it is removed, the name of the person to whom it is
delivered, and the conveyance by which it is taken away.]


The Secretary shall weigh separately each hogshead before it
is uncased, the tobacco in each hogshead, and the cask itself, in
scales with weights of the proper standard. The Secretary shall
enter the weight of each hogshead as first weighed, and the
gross, tare, and net weight of the tobacco contained in it after
inspection in a proper book, with sufficient reference to its
numbers and special markings as previously recorded.]


(a)  After weighing the hogshead, the Secretary shall issue
a certificate of receipt listing the hogshead number; the date
received; the inspection date; the gross, tare, and net weight;
the owner's name; and any special markings.

(b)  if a certificate is lost or destroyed the person
entitled to receive the tobacco by virtue of the certificate may
make oath before a notary public that the certificate is lost.
The certificate signed by the notary shall be deposited with the
Secretary. The Secretary may deliver a new certificate
corresponding with the former one and the Secretary shall be
discharged from any action and demands on account of the former

(c)  No person may receive a new certificate in lieu of any
lost or destroyed certificate unless he notifies the Secretary
within 20 days after the certificate first is discovered to be


(a) The Secretary shall uncase and break every hogshead
delivered for inspection in at least five different places to
determine the contents of the hogshead. If the Secretary
determines that the tobacco is sound, clean, and in good order,

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 456   View pdf image
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