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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3877   View pdf image
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by the Governor in accordance with Section B.(l).
If the vacancy occurs by reason of the death,
resignation, removal, or disqualification of a
member elected by the members of the Bar, the
member's successor shall be selected pursuant to
rules promulgated by the Court of Appeals.

(4)  Ineligibility for Judicial Appointment. The
Governor shall not appoint a member of these
Commission to a vacancy that occurs on a Trial
Court during the term for which they were chosen.

(5)  Number of Recommendations. The Commission shall
submit to the Governor a list of not more than
seven names of each judicial vacancy on a Trail
Court within its circuit. The Commission shall
submit a minimum number of names so that the number
of nominees for each vacancy, including any
eligible nominee on a list previously submitted as
provided by Section G.(2), is no less than the
number provided in the following table:

Number of Lawyers                             Minimum Number
Contributing to Client's                                  of

Security Trust Fund in                           Nominees Per
the County                                              Vacancy

(a)  More than 750                                          5

(b)  201-750                                                      4

(c)  31-200                                                         3

(d)  30 or less                                                2

D. Recommending Less than Minimum Number

(1) A Commission may recommend fewer than the minimum
number of nominees required by Section B.(5) and
C.(5) under the following conditions:

(a)  If multiple vacancies exist for which
recommendations must be made, a Commission may
submit a list containing the required minimum
number of nominees for one vacancy plus two
additional names for each vacancy in excess of
one; or

(b)  If it concludes that there are less than the
minimum required number of persons willing to
accept appointment who are legally and fully
professionally qualified. However, a
Commission shall obtain the prior approval of
the Governor in order to recommend less than
four names under Section B. (5) or less than



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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3877   View pdf image
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