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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3878   View pdf image
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three names under Section C.(5)(a), or less
than two names under Section C.(5)(c) or (d).

(2)  If any person recommended for appointment is
unwilling to accept appointment, or is
disqualified, or is otherwise unavailable for
appointment, a Commission may, upon request of the
Governor, submit an additional nominee if needed to
increase the list to the prescribed minimum number
of names.

(3)  If the position to be filled is then held by an
incumbent judge who is eligible for and desires
reappointment, the Commission, with the prior
approval of the Governor, may submit a list with
less than the prescribed minimum number of names.

Commission Procedures

(1)  Each Commission shall operate under procedures
specified in rules adopted by the Chief Judge of
the Court of Appeals consistent with this Executive

(2)  Upon notification by the secretariat that a vacancy
exists or is about to occur in a judicial office
for which a Commission is to make nominations, the
Commission shall seek and review applications of
proposed nominees for the Judicial Office.
Application shall be made on the form prescribed by
the Administrative Office of the Courts. The
Commission shall notify the Maryland State Bar
Association, Inc. and other appropriate bar
associations of the vacancy, and shall request
recommendations from the. The commission may also
seek recommendations from interested citizens and
from among its own members.

(3)   (a) The Commission shall evaluate each proposed
nominee. In the course of its evaluation, a
Commission may seek information beyond that
contained in the personal data questionnaire
submitted to it. It may obtain pertinent
information from knowledgeable persons known to
Commission members, the Attorney Grievance
Commission, judges, personal references given by
the candidate, criminal justice agencies, or other
sources. A criminal justice agency, including the
Central Repository, may release criminal history
record information, including conviction and
non-conviction data, to a Commission, on the
request of the Commission chairman, for the purpose
of evaluating a candidate.



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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3878   View pdf image
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