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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3876   View pdf image
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     (b) Six persons shall be appointed by the Governor
from among the residents and registered voters
of the Judicial Circuit. These persons may
not be lawyers, hold offices of profit or
trust under the Constitution or laws of this
State or offices in any political party, or be
full-time employees of the State. If the
Judicial Circuit contains more than one
county, at least one person shall be appointed
from each county in the Circuit, and shall be
a resident and registered voter of such
county. To the extent possible, the
composition of the members appointed by the
Governor shall fairly reflect the minority and
female composition of the circuit.

(c) Six persons shall be members of the Maryland
Bar who are registered to vote in State
elections and who maintain their principal
offices for the practice of law in the
circuit. These persons may not hold offices
of profit or trust under the Constitution or
laws of this State or offices in any political
party, or be full-time employees of the State.
They shall be elected by the members of the
Maryland Bar who are registered to vote in
State elections and who maintain their
principal offices for the practice of law in
the Circuit. In each multi-county judicial
circuit, there shall be at least one member
who maintains a principal office for the
practice of law in each county for which there
is a nominee. The election shall be conducted
by the Administrative Office of the Courts
pursuant to rules promulgated by the Court of

(2)  Terms. The terms of the members of the Commission
extend to the date of qualification of the Governor
elected at each quadrennial election, and until
their successors are duly chosen. However, if the
Commission meets not less than twice in any
calendar year and a Commission member who is not
disqualified from participation fails to attend at
least 50 percent of the Commission meetings held in
that year, the term of the member is terminated
automatically at the end of the calendar year, and
another member promptly shall be selected.

(3)  Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs on a Commission by
reason of the death, resignation, removal, or
disqualification of a member appointed by the
Governor, the member's successor shall be appointed



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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3876   View pdf image
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