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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3875   View pdf image
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inability to act.

(2)  Terms. The terms of the members of the Commission
extend to the date of qualification of the Governor
elected at each quadrennial election, and until
their successors are duly chosen. However, if the
Commission meets not less than twice in any
calendar year and a Commission member who is not
disqualified from participating fails to attend at
least 50 percent of the commission meetings held in
that year, the term of the member is terminated
automatically at the end of the calendar year and
another member promptly shall be selected.

(3)  Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs on the Commission by
reason of the death, resignation, removal, or
disqualification of a member appointed by the
Governor, the member's successor shall be appointed
by the Governor, in accordance with Section B.(l).
If the vacancy occurs by reason of the death,
resignation, removal, or disqualification of a
member elected by the members of the Bar, the
member's successor shall be selected pursuant to
rules promulgated by the Court of Appeals.

(4)  Ineligibility for Judicial Appointment. The
Governor shall not appoint a member of the
Commission to a vacancy that occurs on an Appellate
Court during the term for which the member was

(5)  Number of Recommendations. The Commission shall
submit to the Governor a list of not less than five
nor more than seven nominees for each vacancy on an
Appellate Court.

Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commissions.

(1) Creation and Composition. A Trial Court Judicial
Nominating Commission is created as part of the
Executive Department for each of the eight judicial
circuits of the State. Each Commission shall
consist of 13 persons chosen as follows:

(a) One person, who shall be the Chairman, shall
be appointed by the Governor. The Chairman
may but not need be a lawyer, but shall be a
resident and registered voter of the Judicial
Circuit. The Chairman may not hold an office
of profit or trust under the Constitution or
laws of this State or an office in a political
party or be a full-time employee of the State.



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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3875   View pdf image
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