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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1691   View pdf image
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(7)  1 shall be the Secretary or a designee from the
Department of Transportation;

(8)  1 shall be from the Human Relations Commission;

(9)  1 shall be the Secretary or a designee from the
Department of ECONOMIC AND Employment [and Training] DEVELOPMENT;

(10)  1 shall represent local government; and

(11)  14 shall be from the general public.

(b) Of the 27 Council members:

(1)  1   shall   be a member of the State Senate;

(2)  1   shall   be a member of the House of Delegates;

(3)  3   shall   represent the business community;

(4)  1   shall   represent organized labor;

(5)  1   shall   be a member of a nonprofit organization;

(6)  1   shall   represent a foundation;

(7)  1   shall   represent the religious community;

(8)  1   shall   be a member of a volunteer organization;

(9)  1   shall   be a volunteer;

(10)  1 shall be the recipient of volunteer services;

(11)  1 shall represent the Maryland Chamber of


(12)  1 shall represent the Maryland Association of

(13)  1 shall represent the Maryland Municipal League;

(14)  1 shall represent the Baltimore City government;

(15)  4 shall be public members;

(16)  1 shall be a member of a nonprofit organization
that provides services to the elderly; and

(17)  6 shall be the following representatives from
State government or their designees:

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1691   View pdf image
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