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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1687   View pdf image
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Ch. 311

(2)  The record owner(s) of the site and the record
owners of adjoining property;

(3)  The applicant, if different from the record

(4)  The Department of Natural Resources;

(5)  The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene;

(6)  The Department of State Planning;

(7)  The Department of Agriculture; and

(8)  The Department of Economic and [Community]
EMPLOYMENT Development.


(b) The Secretary after receiving the advisory comments of
the secretaries of State Planning, Health and Mental Hygiene,
Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development, and
Transportation may adopt rules and regulations to implement the
provisions of this subtitle.


(a) Within 90 days following the completion of the public
hearing and after receiving the advisory comments and
recommendations of the secretaries of State Planning, Health and
Mental Hygiene, Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development,
and Transportation the Secretary shall decide whether to grant,
grant conditionally, or deny the permit. The Secretary's decision
shall be in writing and based upon the economic and environmental
statement, the public hearing record, and a determination that
the applicant has shown satisfactorily that the facility:

(1)  Conforms with and meets all applicable air,
water, noise, and solid waste laws of the State as determined and
certified in writing by the appropriate State unit with
jurisdiction over these laws.

(2)  Conforms with adopted or approved county or local
land use planning and the official county or local comprehensive
zoning map;.

(3)  Conforms with the State development plan, if such
plan has been lawfully approved and adopted.

(4)  Would have no material adverse effect upon the
natural environment of the area, its scenic or natural beauty,
rare or irreplaceable natural resources, or unique historic

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1687   View pdf image
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