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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1688   View pdf image
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Ch. 311


(5)  Would not be so located or constructed as to have
a material adverse effect upon the public health, safety, or

(6)  Would not be a potential or immediate undue
burden on the water supply of the site or region.

(7)  Would not materially contribute to an extant
level of undue environmental degradation or resource exhaustion.

(8)  Conforms with any coastal zone management program
developed by the State of Maryland pursuant to the federal
Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.

(9)  Would have no material adverse effect upon
critical areas identified and designated pursuant to § 5-611 of
the State Finance and Procurement Article and Article 66B, §

(10)  Would not impose, directly or indirectly, a
substantial burden on existing State, regional, or county public
facilities beyond their respective capacities, or that new public
facilities, if necessary, either

(i) Would not be completed in time to serve the
facility, or

(ii) Would be inadequate to serve the facility
without causing overloading of the public facilities.

(11)  Evidences fewer undesirable environmental,
economic, fiscal, and cultural consequences in its specific or
general proposed location than other specific or general


(a) The Commission consists of 25 26 voting members who are
appointed by the Governor, as follows:

(1) A full-time chairman, appointed with the advice
and consent of the Senate, who shall serve at the pleasure of the

           (2) 11 individuals, appointed with the advice and
consent of the Senate, each of whom is a resident and an elected
or appointed official of a local jurisdiction. At least 1 of
these 11 individuals must be an elected or appointed official of
a municipality. These individuals shall serve on the Commission
only while they hold local office. Each shall be selected from
certain counties, or from municipalities within said counties as
follows, and only after the Governor has consulted with elected
county and municipal officials:

                         - 1688 -


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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1688   View pdf image
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