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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1684   View pdf image
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Ch. 311


(2) The Secretary of ECONOMIC AND Employment [and
Training] DEVELOPMENT shall pay the fees received under this
section into the Hospital Employees Training Fund, established
under Article 41, § 7-202 of the Code.

Article - Natural Resources


(a) The Secretary in cooperation with the secretaries of
Health and Mental Hygiene, Agriculture, State Planning, and
Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development and electric
company representatives shall implement a continuing research
program for electric power plant site evaluation and related
environmental and land use considerations. The Secretary shall
seek from additional sources recommendations for related research
to be included in the program. The additional sources shall
include appropriate federal and State agencies, electric
companies and technical, scientific or educational institutions
or organizations. An initial program shall be documented on or
about January 1, 1972. The Secretary shall institute effective
procedures for coordinating environmental research assignments to
prevent dissipation of money, time, and effort. To this end, the
State's electric companies shall be reimbursed from the Fund for
environmental research specifically required to satisfy
application and permit requirements for any federal, State, or
local regulatory agencies, if the electric company has requested
reimbursement in advance and furnishes an outline of the program
and its estimated cost so that the Secretary can budget it in


(a) The expertise of the electric utilities in the basic
requirements, including environmental considerations, of a site
for power generation and generator lead route is a needed element
in site selection. Therefore, for the purposes of insuring
adequate power on reasonable schedules while also protecting the
quality of the State's environment, site acquisition and
generator lead route designation may occur as follows:

(2) The Secretary, on the advice of the Secretary of
Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development, shall acquire, in
the name of the State a sufficient number of sites to satisfy the
expected requirements as submitted by the Secretary of State
Planning, as provided in § 3-304(4) of this subtitle. Site
selection shall be based on research findings that show the site
is desirable for power plant construction. Following site
acquisition, the Secretary and the local governing bodies of the
areas through which the potential generator lead routes pass
shall designate mutually one or more desirable routes. After
designation of a route, each county within which the route is
located shall designate the proposed public utility corridor by

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1684   View pdf image
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