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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1685   View pdf image
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enactment of an ordinance or by incorporation in its appropriate
land use plan. Any investigation to ascertain the suitability of
a site for the construction of an electric generating station
shall be completed within 2 years of the date the site has been
identified. By the end of the 2 year period, the Secretary shall
purchase or remove from consideration the site and make public
his decision.


(f) "Participating agencies" means the Commission, the
People's Counsel of the Public Service Commission, and the
Departments of Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development,
Agriculture, Transportation, and State Planning.


(c) In the preliminary determination of the State's
decision, the Governor shall consider factors, including:

(1)  Environmental review criteria, including:

(i) The effect on the marine environment;

(ii) The effect on oceanographic currents and
wave patterns;

(iii) The effect on alternate uses of the
oceans and navigable waters, including scientific study, fishing,
and exploration of other living and nonliving resources;

(iv) The effect of land-based developments
related to deepwater port development;

(v) The effect on human health and welfare;

(vi) The effect on the State's coastal zone
management program under §§ 301(a) and (b) of the federal Coastal
Zone Management Act of 1972; and

(vii) Other considerations the federal
Secretary may deem necessary and appropriate;

(2)  Economic, social, and cultural impacts;

(3)  Impacts on existing and future State and local
public facilities and services;

(4)  Evidence presented at public hearings held within
the State either required under the federal act or conducted by
the State;

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1685   View pdf image
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