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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1683   View pdf image
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(iii) Shall be signed by the Secretary and the
Secretary of Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development or
their designees;

(2)  The applicant certifies that it is otherwise
unable to obtain on reasonable terms sufficient credit to finance
the pretreatment project and the Secretary of Economic and
[Community] EMPLOYMENT Development determines that there is a
reasonable assurance of repayment of the loan;

(3)  The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
determines that the project meets all applicable technical
standards and that all cost estimates are reasonable and
represent eligible costs; and

(4)  When an applicant leases the property where the
pretreatment project will be constructed, that the landowner
consents to the terms and conditions of the agreement.

(c)  For any loan assistance exceeding $2,500, the Secretary
of Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development shall require
the granting to the State of an appropriate security interest in
any equipment, structures, or similar items purchased with State

(d)   In accordance with § 9-345, the Secretary and the
Secretary of Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development
jointly shall adopt rules and regulations to implement this

Article - Health - General


If a hospital voluntarily closes, merges, or is delicensed
under § 19-325 of this subtitle, the Department of Economic and
[Community] EMPLOYMENT Development, in cooperation with the
Health Resources Planning Commission, shall assist the hospital
and local community in identifying alternative uses for the
hospital buildings or sites.


If a hospital voluntarily closes, merges, or is delicensed
under § 19-325 of this subtitle and workers are displaced:

(1) Each hospital shall pay a fee directly to the
Department of ECONOMIC AND Employment [and Training] DEVELOPMENT.
The fee shall not exceed 0.01 percent of the gross operating
revenue for the fiscal year immediately preceding the closure or
delicensing of the hospital. A fee shall only be assessed once
for each voluntary closure, merger, or delicensure.

- 1683 -


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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1683   View pdf image
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