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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1682   View pdf image
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Ch. 311


(ii) Previous efforts expended to correct any
existing problem;

(iii) Financial capacity of the applicant;

(iv) The problem prevention aspects of a
proposed project;

(v) Cost effectiveness of a proposed project;

(vi) Planning requirements;

(vii) Provisions for monitoring and review; and

(viii) Measures to assure accountability for
all funds awarded under this subtitle.

(2) Project priority systems shall be established.
Prior to adopting rules and regulations and establishing project
priority rankings under this section, the Secretary shall consult
with the Secretaries of State Planning, Natural Resources,
Agriculture,' and Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development.


(a)  (1) Loans or loan guarantees may be awarded to
industrial users for projects that provide for pretreatment of
pollutants that are discharged directly or indirectly into
publicly owned treatment works or into any conveyance leading to
a publicly owned treatment plant.

(2) The Secretary and the Secretary of Economic and
[Community] EMPLOYMENT Development shall jointly administer the
program established under this section with the Secretary of
Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development being primarily
responsible for the assessment of the financial capability of an
applicant and appropriateness of the terms and conditions of any
loan assistance.

(b)  Loan assistance may be awarded to a person under this
section if:

(1) An agreement is executed by the person that:

(i) Specifies the purpose, amount, manner of
repayment, and any other condition required by the Board of
Public Works;

(ii) Obligates the person to construct,
install, and operate the pretreatment project in a manner which
insures compliance with all pretreatment requirements and
technical specifications, to maintain the project for its
expected life span, and to bind any successor in title; and

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1682   View pdf image
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