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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1677   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                    Ch. 311

may not be allocated less than 2.5 percent of the funds
appropriated. Any funds not expended shall be reallocated first
within the other counties within the service delivery area and
then within the other service delivery areas within the State, in
accordance with a reallocation system to be established by the
Secretary of [Employment and Training] ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT

(3)  Funds authorized under this section and
distributed to the service delivery areas shall be matched so
that for every dollar of State funds distributed and expended
there will be expended at least $2 of matching funds.

(4)  Acceptable sources of matching funds shall
include local job training partnership act funds, other local
government funds, funds raised through contributions from the
private sector or payments of the unsubsidized portion of
participating individuals' wage costs by the employer.

(5)  At least 85 percent of the total of the funds
distributed to the service delivery area plus the required
matching funds must be used for the authorized payment of wage
costs on behalf of individuals participating in the Youth Work
Experience Program. The balance of the total funds available may
be used for non-wage costs associated with the Youth Work
Experience Program.

(6)  Wage costs shall be limited to wages paid to
participating individuals plus related payroll taxes and
workmen's compensation premiums.

(h) The Secretary of [Employment and Training] ECONOMIC AND
EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT is authorized to adopt those rules and
regulations necessary to administer this section. In developing
rules and regulations, the Secretary of [Employment and Training]
Superintendent of Schools.

(i) (1) The Secretary of [Employment and Training] ECONOMIC
AND EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT shall, prior to January 1, 1987,
report to the Governor and, subject to § 2-1312 of the State
Government Article, to the General Assembly on the Program
experience during State fiscal year 1986, including information
describing the number of individuals served, the number of these
individuals who had obtained unsubsidized employment, and the
total amount of expenditures under this section.

(2) The Governor's Employment and Training Council
shall, prior to January 1, 1987, assess the effectiveness of this
Program and report the results of this assessment to the Governor
and the General Assembly.

Article - Education

- 1677 -


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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1677   View pdf image
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