Ch. 311
enrolled in and is presently participating in an alternative
education program leading to a high school diploma or its
equivalent; and
(3) Meet and maintain minimum statewide academic
performance standards to be established by the State
Superintendent of Education and the Secretary of [Employment and
of these minimum standards should take into consideration the
youth competencies already developed in this State. Local private
industry councils or administrative entities established under
the federal act, acting jointly with local education agencies,
may establish additional academic performance standards which are
consistent with the statewide standards.
(d) In order to be eligible to participate in the Youth
Work Experience Program, an employer must be either a
private-for-profit enterprise or a private-nonprofit enterprise,
and must provide opportunities for participating youth to learn
marketable skills. Adequate supervision shall be required to
ensure the safety and training of the participating youth.
(e) Currently employed workers shall not be displaced by
any individual participating under the Youth Work Experience
Program authorized under this section.
(f) In order to receive funds under this section, each
Private Industry Council or administrative entity must submit a
Program plan, developed jointly with local education agencies, to
the Secretary of [Employment and Training] ECONOMIC AND
EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT. The plan shall specify: the number of
disadvantaged youth to be served, any locally prescribed
performance standards in addition to the statewide performance
standards which participating youth must satisfy in order to
continue in the Program, the amount and source of the local
matching funds, and the extent and nature of the coordination
which will occur with local education agencies. The Secretary of
authorized to add any other requirements to the Program plans as
deemed necessary.
(g) (1) Funds used for monitoring, auditing, and for
administration of the Youth Work Experience Program by the
Department of [Employment and Training] ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT
DEVELOPMENT may not exceed 5 percent of the funds appropriated
under this section.
(2) The remaining 95 percent of the funds available
under this section shall be allocated among the service delivery
areas established for this State under the federal act in
accordance with the proportion of economically disadvantaged
youth residing in each area in relation to the total number of
economically disadvantaged youth in the State. However, a county
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