Employment and Training] and all service delivery areas under
Title III of the federal act.
(3) Funds used for monitoring, auditing, and
disbursement of training allowances shall not exceed 5 percent of
the funds authorized under this section.
(f) The Secretary of ECONOMIC AND Employment [and Training]
DEVELOPMENT shall submit to the Governor's Employment and
Training Council for review and comment the Department's plan for
the financial assistance program established by this section to
supplement available federal funds under the Job Training
Partnership Act.
(g) The Secretary of [Employment and Training] ECONOMIC AND
EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT may adopt rules and regulations to
administer this section.
(h) The Secretary of [Employment and Training] ECONOMIC AND
EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT shall report to the Governor and, subject
to § 2-1312 of the State Government Article, to the General
Assembly on the number of individuals served and the levels and
total amount of payments under this section.
(a) (1) To the extent that State funds are made available
under Section 124(b) of this subtitle, the Secretary of
provide grants to private industry councils or administrative
entities of the service delivery areas designated under the
federal act for the operation of the Youth Work Experience
Program authorized under this section.
(2) Grants shall be made available for the purpose of
providing private sector employment experiences designed to
develop the future employability and job skills of participating
(b) Individuals participating in the Youth Work Experience
Program may work 12 or fewer hours each week, over a period of 9
or fewer months in any State fiscal year.
(c) In order to be eligible to participate in the Youth
Work Experience Program, an individual must:.
(1) Be economically disadvantaged, as defined in the
federal act;
(2) Be either a high school student enrolled and
attending the junior or senior year of high school, or a high
school dropout 16 to 21 years of age who has either returned to
and is attending high school on a full-time basis, or has
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