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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1674   View pdf image
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Ch. 311


(c)  (1) A payment to an individual under this section shall
be based on the actual costs of the service heeds, or an
approximation of these costs under a flat rate system. The
payment system shall be established by the Secretary for all
State programs and by the Private Industry Council and
administrating agency for a local program in a service delivery

(2)  Any flat rate payment system shall provide 2
tiers of allowance payments. One tier shall address recipients
in need of services other than child care. A higher rate shall
be provided for those in need of child care. The flat rates may
be computed on a per diem or a weekly basis.

(3)  A training allowance to an individual under this
section may not exceed $100 a week.

(4)  Allowance payments may be provided to
participants that are enrolled in either the federal act Title

II  program or the federal act Title III program based solely on
their need for support services.

(d)  In order to be eligible for a training allowance under
this section, an individual must:

(1)  Meet the eligibility requirements set forth in
the federal act for participation in a Title II-A or a Title III

(2)  Be enrolled in and actively attending a classroom
training program; and

(3)  Not be receiving unemployment compensation, but
may be receiving aid to families with dependent children, general
public assistance, or similar federal or State cash payments.

(e)  (1) Funds shall be allocated to each service delivery
area by multiplying the total amount of authorized funds by a
ratio derived by dividing the funds allocated to each service
delivery area under Title II-A and III of the federal act by the
sum of the funds allocated to all service delivery areas under
Title II-A of the federal act plus the total amount of funds
allocated to the Department of ECONOMIC AND Employment [and
Training] DEVELOPMENT and all service delivery areas under Title

III of the federal act.

(2) Funds shall be allocated to the Department [of
Employment and Training] by multiplying the total amount of
authorized funds by a ratio derived by dividing the funds
allocated to the Department [of Employment and Training] under
Title III of the federal act by the sum of the funds allocated to
all service delivery areas under Title II-A of the federal act
plus the total amount of funds allocated to the Department [of

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1674   View pdf image
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