Effective Date August 3, 1985.
Bill No. 25
AN ACT to authorize and empower Howard County, Maryland, to
borrow on its full faith and credit, and issue and sell its bonds
therefor, at one time or from time to time within four years from
the date this act becomes effective, an amount not exceeding
$8,031,000, the proceeds thereof to be used for additions and
improvements to, and extensions and rehabilitation of, the
County's sewer and water systems, including the planning, design,
construction, rehabilitation, relocation, and equipping of
collecting, interceptor and outfall sewers, sewer extensions, and
water mains, connections, sleeves, pump stations, lines and
extensions, for cost sharing with Baltimore County of the
Wagner's Point sewage treatment plant expansion, for acquisition
of land and rights-of-way, for the design and construction of a
storage building, and for payments of developer rebates and
advance deposit orders; including, for each capital project,
payment of all related costs; and to levy taxes upon the
assessable property within the County sufficient, together with
benefit assessments, ad valorem taxes levied upon assessable
property in the Metropolitan District and other available funds,
to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest on
any bonds so issued, as the County Council may be ordinance
provide; and providing that any bonds so issued are specifically
exempt from the provisions of Article 31, Section 11 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland.
Effective Date August 3, 1985.
Bill No. 26
AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter
approving a multi-year agreement for the lease of 1075 Xerox
Copier/Duplicator for the Office of the County Council.
Effective Date August 3, 1985.
Bill No. 27
AN ACT approving the establishment of agricultural districts
approved by the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation
Foundation since passage of B47-1983.
Effective Date August 3, 1985.